Your Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, trade secrets and publicity rights need to be protected in the digital world.

It is easy for hackers to download an illegal copy of your artwork, videos, and pictures to reproduce it or sell it for profit. Cybersecurity4biz will help you validate your ownership and protect your creations from theft. Our proven methods will make your creations unusable unless by the intended person. You will feel much better knowing you are the only person profiting from you hard work!

How Do They Steal My IP?

•Download from internet

•Make copies for friends/family

•Make their own version

•Your website and social media: “right click” save as…

•And many other ways…

Around 12,000 intellectual property cases are filed each year.

Only 13.4% of cases resulted in damaged awards.

Why Do They Steal My IP?

•Get your IP for free

•Foreign entity


•Uninformed non-malicious intent